Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Speedo 15/05/07 - 22/05/07

Hi everyone, are you are enjoying the beautiful weather lately. We hope you had a great time at Pub Club last Friday night at Celtic. And in case you missed it, Lee brought down the house on Tuesday night at Karaoke by singing Queen "We Are The Champions". (to bring down the house means to excite the crowd with an amazing performance). Special kudos to some students from Halifax, Ania and Yatsek, who sang their very first English song at Karaoke!!!! You sounded great!


Upcoming Events:

Wednesday, May 16th @ 7:30pm
Dean's Lecture on WORK IN THE UK!
...come and learn from Dean how to find a job and work in the UK. He will give advice on CVs, travel, and how to look for jobs.

Friday, May 25th @ 7:30pm
Gary's famous ROCK CLUB!
....Meet at SPEED for a Rock Quiz and then go paint the town red! (to paint the town red means to have a fun night out at the pubs).



Idiom 1: Cat got your tongue? ~~something you say to someone when you're annoyed because they won't speak. "Well, has the cat got your tongue? I'm waiting for an explanation."

Idiom 2: A fat cat~~ an impolite way of referring to someone who is very rich and powerful. "Look at that fat cat in his expensive suit, he's just another rich businessman from Zurich."

Idiom 3: It's raining cats and dogs! ~~ something that you say when it is raining very heavily. "It's raining cats and dogs out there!"

Idiom 4: Let the cat out of the bag...~~ to tell people secret information, often without intending to. "I was trying to keep the party a secret, but Piotr went and let the cat out of the bag."

Idiom 5: While the cat's away the mouse will play... ~~ when the person in authority is absent, people will not do what they should do. "Do you think it's wise to leave the children alone for so long? You know, while the cat's away... "

Idiom 6: Look what the cat dragged in....~~ an insulting way of saying that someone has just arrived, suggesting that they are ugly and badly dressed. "Well, look what the cat's dragged in. Did you make that dress or borrow it from your mother?"


Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. Ever.

Question: How many politicians does it take to change a lightbulb ?
Answer: Two. One to change it, and another one to change it back again.

Cartoon of the WEEK!

This Cartoon is a pun (something that has 2 MEANINGS).
1- RAINING cats and dogs (it is raining outside)
2- REIGNING cats and dogs (they are the king and queen)


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