Friday, October 27, 2006

The Speedo 31/10/06 - 6/11/06

Dear Students,

Thank you to all you lovely students who read our newsletter (published every week and at reception on Tuesdays) and who completed our wordsearch to win chocolate bars... look out for more competitions coming up... this time the prizes will be 20 gr each!! ;)


The first club of this month is my 'Comedy Club' which will be next Monday at 7.30pm in Room 8 - I've got some very funny British comedies to show you (League of Gentleman, Little Britain) and you may even be lucky enough to hear me tell a few jokes! If anyone else has any good jokes, bring them along and tell them (IN ENGLISH THOUGH!!)

Word of the Week - 'MOLE'

A mole is a small animal that makes tunnels under the ground and eats worms. He can be a problem in your garden because he makes 'molehills' which do not look nice on a piece of grass.

But 'mole' has several more meanings - It is a little brown thing on somebody's face. The model Cindy Crawford has a mole! In the old days it was considered a sign of beauty!

Finally, a mole is a spy who works for the people he is spying on. In the second world war, the Germans had 'moles' in Britain who sent information back to Germany to tell them what the British were planning to do... and vice versa!

IDIOM OF THE WEEK # 5556756535

'To make a mountain out of a molehill'

A mountain is very big and a molehill is very small (because it is made by a mole which is small). So the idiom, 'make a mountain out of a molehill' means to make a problem seem bigger than it really is.

Lynsey: Dean! I've broken my fingernail! My life is over!!!

Dean: It's not so bad Lynsey - don't make a mountain out of a molehill!


The pictures of Chuck just keep getting better and better - don't you agree guys. Today we have a very smart Chuck at the World Black Belt Karate awards... gorgeous. It's no suprise that Chuck can have any man or woman in the world that he wants!


"Once a cobra snake bit Chuck Norris' leg. After five days of terrible pain, the cobra died."


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