Monday, October 09, 2006

Speedo 10/10/06 - 17/10/06

Teacher Profiles

So - you guys want more information about teachers right? and PICTURES... I think you probably want pictures of Terri (Boys) and Lee (Girls) the most - do you agree?

OK - so here's the first picture of new and old teachers getting to know each other. I will post a profile of one of our new teachers later in the week (There is a quick one of Terri on last week's newsletter - at reception!)

LEE's LECTURE - I LOVE NEW YORK - Friday 20/10/06 - 19:30

If you want to find out more about Lee (which I'm sure you do!) then come to his lecture at the time above - he'll give you all the information you could ever want about 'the big apple', life in New York and (probably) himself too. Look out for the posters in school!!


FILM CLUB - Wednesday 11/10/06 - 19:30

Join Dean to watch the English classic Pride and Prejudice (starring the beautiful, gorgeous, Kiera Knightley - Mmmmmm) We'll watch the film and see if we can answer Mr Callan's question "Is Pride a good or a bad thing?" (I think, looking at Ms Knightley - IT'S ALL GOOD!)

PUB CLUB - Friday 13/10/06 - 9.30pm - Zielony Kogut

The FIRST Pub Club of the Year is brought to you by Darren and Terri and will be at Zielony Kogut on Friday 13th (Unlucky for some!) This is a great chance to practice your English outside the classroom and get to know the teacher's a little better (You probably all know Darren quite well but he always has something interesting to say!)

ROCK CLUB - Wednesday 18/10/06 - 7.00pm - KLUB WZ

GARY is our ROCK teacher this year and so his first club of the year will be ROCK CLUB!! (Raaawwwwwkkk!!)


The Rock Club will be at KLUB WZ so meet outside there at 7.00pm. Tickets are 25-30zl but this band are guaranteed to ROCK your socks off (Gary told me!) and WEAR BLACK!!

NOTE: Gary has promised to wear LEATHER trousers!! It's worth going to see this alone!!

A look at Chuck!

So the Chuck Norris fact of the week returns with a lovely picture of Chuck as 'the Texas Ranger'

"Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light. Not because Chuck Norris is afraid of the dark, but because the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris"


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